Creative Director, 3D/2D Artist on team
Based on my Original narrative and Concept

A 2 player game that takes place in a Dreamville Mart where assets are created in the scene real-time based on User Input.
Chat GPT3.5: Riddles
DALL-E: Real time asset generation
Midjourney: Pre-generated assets
A novel take on utilizing Generative AI not only in pipeline, but also as an NPC that is directly engaged in the Gameplay Experience.
Game Play Trailer
Technical Breakdown

Intro cutscene 1

Lights guiding the gameplay

Winning End Scene

Intro cutscene 2

Fortune cookie dancer

Losing End Scene
Cut scenes created and edited by myself
Sound, UI and VFX provided by teammates
Animation provided by Mixamo

Game Design

Real time Asset Generation

Chat GPT 3.5 + DALL-E 2.0

Prompting in DALL-E 2.0

Zones in the Environment